Project Overview:
I fixed my sight on the famous artist Piet Mondrian, who is viewed as one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art with works inspiraring countless people including me.
The Painting "Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow" is considered widely to be one of Mondrian's most significant and inspirational works. The painting expresses strong visual impression with yet simple geometric and colors that makes me want to design a variation with same style.

"Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow" by Piet Mondrian
Initial Concept Formation:
During the process, I was experimenting how to transform famous 2D painting compositions into something more tangible and interactive, so I questioned myself, why not start from the "scale" of the artwork and scale things UP?
After thingking about tangibility and scaling, I brought in elements of "interactive installation", "park furniture", and "buidling puzzles".

Above(4pics) are my inspirations
Experimentation, Creation, and Processes:
My idea was focused on creating an interactive set of blocks for daily pedestrians to engage with physically. The pedestrians are encouraged to push and move the blocks around to form the spaces they prefer, and it could be open for engagement for enclosed for privacy or party.
The pieces are carved to square shape, and painted with colors that resembles the orginal painting reference.

Proposing ideas of ways of features and interaction.

Above is the SketchUp render of different variations and angles of my idea, referecing with human scale.
With digital modeling, I was able to experiment how does the placing and composition of the boxes can influence with the difference of spaces and emotional senses. But I figured it could be better if I was able to build a physical mockup to have a better sense.

Above(8pics) is the process of making physical mockup using foam blocks painted with acrylic colors, along with variations in compositions.
Visual Mock Up with Effects:
As I finalized the designs, I decided to render the logos for better visual references and more realistic applications for the client.

Above is the finished result of the concept imagination. Pedestrians illustration were added using Photoshop for porpotioanl referencing
Taking A Step Forward:
This imagination design was fortunately taken with a forward leap as I learnt about the basics of game design using Unity3D.
Discover this initial idea's virtual recreation project "Mondrian's Maze"